Environmental benefits of composting infographic, earth illustration

What are the environmental benefits of composting?

Reducing food waste

Composting involves recycling food waste to reduce the amount going to landfill. This reduces the landfill burden and the methane gas emissions from landfills.

Soil improvement and nutrient supply

Compost from composting can be used in gardens or agricultural fields to improve soil and provide nutrients. The nutrients in compost help plants grow and develop healthily, reducing the use of chemicals.

Natural soil erosion control

Composted soil retains moisture better and has a stronger structure. This reduces the risk of soil erosion, as composted soil is more resistant to erosive effects such as wash-off from rainfall.

Reducing greenhouse gases

The amount of methane gas produced in compost from the decomposition of organic matter is reduced. Methane gas is one of the most important greenhouse gases, so composting can reduce its emissions and help mitigate climate change.

Conserving water resources

Composted soil retains moisture better, reducing water loss and depletion of water resources. This is particularly important in drought-prone areas, where composted soil can help to maintain an adequate water balance.

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