Plastic recycling technology machines photo, video

What technologies exist to recycle plastic?


Plastics account for a large proportion of the world's waste, but recycling plastics is key to a sustainable future. In this article, we describe what technologies exist for recycling plastics.

Mechanical recycling

Mechanical recycling is the most commonly used technology for recycling plastics. This process involves shredding plastic waste and then using the shredded material to produce recycled products. In mechanical recycling, plastics are not melted but transformed by physical methods.

Chemical recycling

Chemical recycling is a technology in which plastic waste is broken down into raw materials through chemical reactions. The raw materials are then used to produce recycled plastics. Chemical recycling allows the complete recycling of plastics, even those that cannot be processed by mechanical recycling.

Pyramid recycling

Pyramid recycling is a technology in which plastic waste is processed in several steps. First, plastics are broken down into raw materials by mechanical recycling. Then, in chemical recycling, additional raw materials are recovered. Finally, these raw materials are used to produce recycled plastics. Pyramid recycling enables efficient and complete recycling of plastics.

Biological recycling

Biological recycling is a technology in which plastic waste is broken down through biological processes. This process allows the biodegradable parts of plastics to be recycled, for example in the form of composting or biogas production. Bio-recycling is an environmentally friendly way to manage plastic waste.


There are many technologies for recycling plastics. Mechanical, chemical, pyramid and biological recycling are all effective ways to recycle plastic waste. Recycling is key to a sustainable future and these technologies enable plastics to be recycled efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way.

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