Chemical recycling technology equipment photo

What new technologies exist for the chemical recycling of plastics?


The chemical recycling of plastics is a process that enables the recycling of plastic waste and the production of recycled products. In recycling, plastics are broken down by various chemical processes and the resulting materials are used to make new products.


Polymerisation is a process in which plastics are remanufactured by joining polymer molecules together. This process allows plastics to be recycled as the polymer molecules can be reused to make plastics.


Pyrolysis is a process in which plastics are broken down at high temperatures to yield various hydrocarbon compounds. These compounds can then be used to make new plastics.

Gas oil production

In the chemical recycling of plastics, the hydrocarbon compounds obtained from pyrolysis can also be used to produce gas oil. The gas oil is subsequently used in various industrial processes.

Thermal depolymerisation

Thermal depolymerisation is a process in which plastics are broken down at high temperatures to recover the polymer molecules. This allows the recycling of plastics and the production of recycled products.


Chemical recycling of plastics involves a number of new technologies that allow the recycling of plastic waste and the production of new products. Polymerisation, pyrolysis, gasoil production and thermal depolymerisation are all processes that can be used to recycle plastics and thus reduce the environmental burden.

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