Map highlighting countries using sustainable materials, bar graph

In which countries and regions are sustainable materials most commonly used in architecture?


Sustainability is an increasingly important issue in architecture, with the aim of protecting the environment and using resources sparingly. The use of sustainable materials in architecture plays a key role in reducing environmental impacts and ensuring the long-term sustainability of buildings. In this article, we look at the countries and regions where sustainable materials are most commonly used in architecture.

Northern Europe

Nordic regions such as Denmark, Sweden and Norway are renowned for their commitment to sustainable architecture. In these countries, strict environmental regulations and subsidies are in place to encourage the construction industry to use sustainable materials. For example, wood-based materials such as timber structures and wood-based insulation materials are often used in the Nordic countries.

Western Europe

In Western Europe, there is also a strong emphasis on sustainable architecture. Germany, the Netherlands and Austria are outstanding examples of the use of sustainable materials. In these countries, research and innovation in green architecture is leading the way. Recycled materials such as recycled concrete and recycled glass are widespread.

North America

In both the United States and Canada, the demand for sustainable materials in architecture is growing. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification system in the US and the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) system in Canada are helping to promote sustainable architecture. Recycled materials such as concrete and steel are increasingly used in construction.


In Asia, there is also a growing focus on the use of sustainable materials in architecture. China, Japan and South Korea are countries where there is significant progress in sustainable architecture. In addition to recycled materials, alternative energy sources such as solar and wind energy are also becoming more common in the construction industry.

Central and South America

The use of sustainable materials in architecture is also becoming increasingly important in Central and South America. Costa Rica, Brazil and Mexico are prominent examples of efforts in sustainable architecture. In these countries, local materials such as bamboo and earth are widely used in construction.


The use of sustainable materials in architecture is growing worldwide. In the Nordic and Western regions, as well as in North America and Asia, there is a strong emphasis on sustainable architecture. Recycled materials and alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly common in the construction industry. The use of sustainable materials in architecture is also becoming increasingly important in Central and South America. Efforts in sustainable architecture contribute to environmental protection and the long-term sustainability of buildings.

∑: architecture, sustainable, materials, countries, recycled, increasingly, environmental, construction, america