digital fancy illustration, powerful colours, Soil biodiversity, microorganisms, ecosystem services.

How does soil biodiversity affect ecosystem health?

Soil biodiversity

Soil biodiversity is the diversity of organisms that live and work in the soil. These organisms include composting-process/">microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, insects and other soil-dwelling organisms. Soil biodiversity is key to maintaining soil health and ecosystem stability.

Soil biodiversity and ecosystem health

Soil biodiversity is closely linked to ecosystem health. Soil organisms play many important roles in ecosystems. For example:

  • Microorganisms break down organic matter and promote nutrient cycling in the soil.
  • Soil-dwelling insects and worms loosen soil structure, promoting drainage and root growth.
  • Soil-dwelling plants and fungi live symbiotically with plants, helping nutrient uptake and growth.

If soil biodiversity is reduced, this can have a negative impact on ecosystem health. The absence or reduction of soil organisms can reduce soil fertility, increase the risk of pests and diseases, and reduce the resistance of plants to environmental stressors.

Conserving soil biodiversity

Maintaining soil biodiversity is key to maintaining ecosystem health. Some ways to conserve soil biodiversity:

  1. Mulching: Covering soil with plant material or mulch helps to conserve soil microorganisms and insects.
  2. Conservation agriculture practices: Conservation agriculture practices such as crop rotation and composting promote soil biodiversity and reduce environmental impacts.
  3. Soil nutrition.

Maintaining soil biodiversity provides long-term benefits for ecosystem health and sustainable agriculture. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to soil biodiversity and take appropriate measures to maintain it.

∑: biodiversity, health, ecosystem, organisms, maintaining, microorganisms, insects, dwelling, plants