Green roof and wall construction challenges infographic

What are the technical challenges of creating green roofs and walls?

Green roofs

Green roofs face a number of technical challenges. The first and most important aspect is the reinforcement of the roof structure. Green roofs place a considerable weight on the roof, so it is important that the roof structure can withstand this load. Proper structural calculations and the installation of the necessary reinforcements are essential.

The second challenge is drainage. Green roofs become saturated with water and excess water needs to be able to drain away from the roof. This requires special drainage systems to ensure proper drainage and waterproofing of the roof.

The third challenge is the correct selection and installation of plants. Green roofs need to be planted with plants that are well tolerant of the conditions on the roof, such as extreme temperatures and poor soil. The selection of the right plants and the use of appropriate planting techniques are essential for the long-term sustainability of green roofs.

Green walls

Creating green walls also poses a number of technical challenges. The first challenge is to design the right structure. Green walls need a stable and durable structure that can withstand the weight of the plants and the environmental impact. The selection and installation of the right materials and structural elements is essential.

The second challenge is to ensure water supply. Plants in green walls need sufficient water to survive and grow. Special irrigation systems are therefore needed to ensure an adequate water supply and efficient use of water.

The third challenge is plant care and maintenance. Green wall plants require regular care, such as spraying, pruning and replenishing nutrients. The use of proper care techniques is essential to maintain the health and aesthetic appearance of green walls.

∑: plants, challenge, structure, essential, proper, installation, drainage, ensure, selection