How hot summers impact water reserves and irrigation, visuals

How do hot summers affect water resources and irrigation?


Warm summers are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change. This will have a significant impact on water resources and irrigation, which are key for agriculture and food production.

Hot summers and water resources

During hot summers, water evaporation increases as temperatures rise. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Increased evaporation leads to reduced water resources, which can cause problems for drinking water supply and irrigation.

Hot summers and irrigation

Warm summers increase the water demand of crops. Lower rainfall and increased evapotranspiration also increase irrigation needs. This can be particularly problematic in areas where water resources are limited or where there is inadequate irrigation infrastructure.


The impact of hot summers on water resources and irrigation is significant. Climate change will increase the frequency of hot summers and it is therefore important to take measures to conserve water resources and increase irrigation efficiency. This could include developing water-saving technologies, optimising irrigation systems and promoting sustainable water management.

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