Green criteria, genuine eco-friendly, checklist, digital illustration

What are the criteria for a product or service to be considered “green”?

What are the criteria for a product or service to be considered "green"?

Green products and services are those that are produced, used or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. Such products and services can be beneficial to the environment, health and sustainability. Below are the criteria for a product or service to be considered "green".

1. Use of sustainable materials

One of the most important criteria for "green" products and services is that they use sustainable materials in their production. This means that the materials must be recyclable or degradable and contain no harmful substances.

2. Energy efficiency

Green products and services aim to be energy efficient. This means that their energy use is minimised and they use renewable energy sources wherever possible.

3. Environmentally friendly production process

Green products and services are produced in an environmentally friendly way. This may include minimising water and energy use, reducing emissions of harmful substances and optimising waste management and recycling processes.

4. Long life cycle

Green products and services have a long life cycle. This means that they are durable and reliable, so they can be used for a long time and do not need to be replaced frequently.

5. Environmentally friendly packaging

Green products and services are also packaged in an environmentally friendly way. It is made from recyclable or biodegradable materials wherever possible, and unnecessary packaging is minimised.

6. Green marketing and communication

For 'green' products and services, companies shall use environmentally responsible marketing and communication. This means emphasising the environmentally friendly features of products and services to consumers and informing them of the environmental benefits.

The criteria mentioned above are used to judge whether a product or service can be considered "green". It is important to note, however, that the label "green" is not always clear-cut and companies have the potential to manipulate their green image. It is therefore important that consumers are informed and carefully consider the environmental impacts of products and services before making a decision.

∑: products, services, environmentally, friendly, energy, criteria, materials, product, service