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How do people react when greenwashing is discovered?

How do people react when greenwashing is discovered?

Greenwashing is a marketing technique in which a company or organisation makes false or misleading environmental claims about its products or activities. When people discover that a company is greenwashing, they may react in different ways.

1. Disappointment and anger

People usually become disappointed and angry when they discover that a company is greenwashing. This is because consumers trusted the company and believed that its products or services were environmentally friendly. When it turns out that this is not true, many people feel misled and become angry.

2. Distrust and scepticism

Once greenwashing is discovered, people tend to have less trust in the company and its environmental claims. Many people also become sceptical of other companies' environmental claims and scrutinise the environmental impacts of products and services more closely.

3. Activism and information

The discovery of greenwashing has encouraged many people to become more active in environmental protection. Many join environmental organisations, write petitions or otherwise try to take action against greenwashing. In addition, people tend to spend more time and energy researching products and services to make sure that they are really environmentally friendly.

4. Switching to other companies

Many people choose to move away from companies that engage in greenwashing and choose companies that are truly environmentally friendly. This switch may involve changing products or services to another brand, or even changing your whole lifestyle to be more environmentally friendly.

So when people discover greenwashing, they tend to feel disappointment, anger, mistrust and scepticism. However, many people are spurred to activism and become more active in protecting the environment, switching to companies that are genuinely environmentally friendly.

∑: people, greenwashing, environmental, company, products, become, environmentally, friendly, companies