Labour market, employee rights, self-sustaining economy, gears, digital painting, abstract

How does the self-sustaining economy affect the labour market and workers’ rights?


A self-sustaining economy is an economic model where individuals and communities produce and consume independently with minimal dependence on traditional market structures. This economic form has a number of implications for the labour market and employment rights.

Labour market effects

In a self-sustaining economy, the labour market operates with different dynamics than in traditional economic systems. Individuals and communities produce the goods and services they need themselves and are less dependent on employers. This allows people to choose their work and working hours more freely and gives the labour market greater flexibility.

Employee rights

In a self-sustaining economy, employee rights take a different form than in traditional labour markets. Because individuals and communities produce goods and services themselves, workers can exercise greater control over their work. At the same time, however, the protection and regulation of workers' rights is also more the responsibility of workers.


The self-sustaining economy has a significant impact on the labour market and on workers' rights. The flexibility of the labour market and the greater control of workers gives people the opportunity to choose their work and working hours more freely. At the same time, however, the protection and regulation of workers' rights is also more the responsibility of workers.

∑: market, labour, workers, rights, sustaining, economy, economic, individuals, communities