Infographic detailing the economic impact of biomass and biogas.

What are the economic impacts of biomass and biogas?

What are the economic impacts of biomass and biogas?

The use of biomass and biogas has significant economic impacts in many areas. These impacts are described below.

Energy independence

The use of biomass and biogas makes it possible to achieve energy independence. This type of energy production can help reduce the amount of energy imported, which in the long term can lead to significant savings for the country's economy.

Job creation

The development of the biomass and biogas industry will create new jobs. The maintenance of plantations, the production of biomass and biogas, and the construction of related infrastructure are all labour-intensive processes that contribute to employment growth.

Productivity gains

The use of biomass and biogas makes it possible to increase agricultural productivity. Plantation irrigation, soil nutrient supply and crop protection can be made more efficient through the use of biomass and biogas. This can also improve the quality and quantity of agricultural products, with positive effects on the economy.

New market opportunities

The use of biomass and biogas creates new market opportunities. The development of companies and technologies specialised in this type of energy production will open up new business opportunities. Through presence in export markets and technological innovation, the biomass and biogas industry can contribute to the country's economic growth.


The use of biomass and biogas has a positive impact on the environment, which can lead to long-term economic benefits. This type of energy production releases less carbon dioxide and other harmful substances into the air, which reduces the greenhouse effect and air pollution. In addition, the by-products of biomass and biogas production can be used, for example as fertiliser or animal feed.

The use of biomass and biogas therefore has many economic benefits. Energy independence, job creation, increased productivity, new market opportunities and environmental protection all contribute to the country's economic development and sustainable future.

∑: biomass, biogas, energy, economic, production, opportunities, impacts, independence, country