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How does climate change affect the agro-economic model?


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. The agro-economic model, which is used to analyse the agricultural economy and economic processes, is also feeling its effects. In this article, we examine the changes that climate change could bring to the agro-economic model.

Agricultural production and climate change

Climate change affects agricultural production, which is a fundamental component of the agro-economic model. Extreme weather events, such as long droughts or intense rainfall, can have a negative impact on crop yields. In addition, temperature changes can also affect crop growth and development. The agro-economic model must therefore adapt to these changes.

Prices and markets

Climate change may also affect agricultural prices and markets. Extreme weather events may reduce crop yields, which may increase prices. In addition, climate change may also affect production costs, for example by increasing the price of water and energy resources. These changes may affect the price and supply functions used in the agro-economic model.

Technological development

New technologies and methods of agricultural production may need to be developed to respond to climate change. The agro-economic model should take into account these technological developments, which may affect production costs and yields. In addition, adaptation to climate change may also create new opportunities in the agro-economic model, for example by introducing environmentally friendly production methods.


Climate change has a significant impact on the agro-economic model. Agricultural production, prices and markets, as well as technological development, may all be sensitive to climate change. The agro-economic model must adapt to these changes and take into account new challenges and opportunities. Addressing the impacts of climate change is essential to develop a sustainable agricultural economy for the future.

∑: climate, change, economic, agricultural, production, changes, affect, prices, yields