Horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines side by side, photo in Photorealism style

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical axis turbines?

There are several differences between horizontal and vertical axis turbines that affect their operation and efficiency. This article will focus on understanding these differences and how these two types of turbines work.

Axis 1: The most obvious difference between horizontal and vertical axis turbines is the orientation of their rotating axis. Horizontal-axis turbines are horizontal, while vertical-axis turbines are vertical.

Efficiency 2: Horizontal axis turbines are generally more efficient because the wind or water flow directly affects the blades. Vertical axis turbines, however, require the blades to move at a constantly changing angle to the flow, which can reduce efficiency.

Installation location: horizontal axis turbines generally require a larger area for installation, as the blades have to face the wind or water. Vertical axis turbines, on the other hand, require less space and are easier to install, for example on the roofs of buildings or in urban environments.

4. Manoeuvrability: Horizontal axis turbines are easier to steer in the direction of the wind or water, as their rotation axis is horizontal. This allows the turbines to always turn in the most optimal direction. In the case of vertical axis turbines, however, the blades have to move at a constantly changing angle, which limits controllability.

5. Reliability: horizontal axis turbines are more prone to wear and failure, as the blades have to withstand higher loads in the direction of the rotation axis. Vertical-axis turbines, on the other hand, are less susceptible to loading because the blades are positioned vertically.

Overall, therefore, horizontal axis turbines are more efficient and easier to control, but require more space to install. Vertical axis turbines, on the other hand, require less space and are more reliable, but their efficiency may be slightly lower. The choice depends on the location of the installation, the area available and the desired efficiency.

∑: turbines, horizontal, vertical, blades, efficiency, require, installation, easier, direction