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What innovative solutions can help reduce waste in the fashion industry?


The fashion industry is a huge contributor to global waste generation. Discarded clothes and textiles cause major environmental problems. However, more and more innovative solutions are appearing on the market to help reduce waste and make the fashion industry more sustainable.

1. Use sustainable materials

One of the most important solutions to reduce waste is to use sustainable materials. For example, bio-based materials, such as bamboo or corn starch-based materials, are an environmentally friendly traditional-building-materials/">alternative to traditional textiles. In addition, recycled materials, such as recycled plastic or cotton, also help reduce waste.

2. Circular economy

Applying circular economy principles to the fashion industry also helps to reduce waste. This means that products have a longer life cycle and waste is recycled. For example, clothes are designed with easy repair and recyclable materials in mind to make products last longer.

3. Rental schemes

Rental schemes are becoming increasingly popular in the fashion industry. This means that consumers can rent clothes or accessories for a set period of time and then return them. This solution allows clothes to be used more than once, thus reducing waste.

4. Product take-back and recycling

Fashion brands are increasingly introducing product take-back and recycling programmes. This means that customers can take used clothes back to the store to be recycled or resold. This solution allows clothes to be recycled rather than thrown in the trash.

5. Digital technologies

Digital technologies can also help reduce waste in the fashion industry. For example, virtual fitting rooms allow customers to try on clothes online, reducing the number of returned items. In addition, digital design and manufacturing allows for more accurate sizing and less waste in production.


Reducing waste in the fashion industry is a major challenge, but more and more innovative solutions are appearing on the market. The use of sustainable materials, the application of circular economy principles, rental schemes, product take-back and recycling programmes, and digital technologies are all contributing to waste reduction and sustainability in the fashion industry.

∑: fashion, industry, clothes, materials, reduce, recycled, sustainable, digital, solutions