Marine plastic pollution challenges photo, documentary still

What challenges do we face in tackling marine plastic pollution?

What challenges do we face in tackling marine plastic pollution?

Marine plastic pollution is a global problem that poses many environmental challenges. The following are the main challenges we face in tackling marine plastic pollution.

The amount of plastic waste

One of the biggest challenges in managing marine plastic pollution is the huge amount of plastic waste. Millions of tonnes of plastic float in the world's oceans, causing significant damage to marine life and ecosystems. Reducing the amount of plastic waste and managing it effectively is a key priority in tackling this problem.

Plastic degradation time

Plastics have a long degradation time, which makes it even more difficult to tackle marine plastic pollution. Most types of plastics persist in the environment for centuries or even millennia, which means that the plastic waste already present is a long-term problem. Reducing the degradation time of plastics or developing degradable plastics is an important step in tackling pollution.

Damage to marine life and ecosystems

Marine plastic pollution causes serious damage to marine life and ecosystems. The introduction of plastic waste into the food chain of marine organisms can cause serious health problems and even lead to species extinction. And ecosystem damage can destabilise the marine ecosystem in the long term. Protecting marine life and the ecosystem is a priority in tackling marine plastic pollution.

Lack of global cooperation

Addressing marine plastic pollution is a global problem that requires global cooperation. However, there is currently no effective international cooperation to tackle the problem. Different countries and regions have different regulations and measures to address plastic pollution, which makes it difficult to address effectively. The lack of global cooperation is a major obstacle to tackling marine plastic pollution.

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