What natural methods can be used to improve soil quality?

What natural methods can be used to improve soil quality?

Soil quality plays a key role in healthy plant growth and increased yields. Poor soil quality can cause a number of problems such as nutrient deficiencies, drainage problems and soil erosion. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to improve soil quality.

Replenishing nutrients

Enriching the soil with nutrients is one of the most important ways to improve soil quality. Composting and manuring are … >>

What is the role of fungi in fertiliser alternatives?


Fertilisers play an important role in providing nutrients to plants and increasing crop yields. However, the use of conventional fertilisers can cause many environmental problems such as soil depletion and water pollution. Therefore, fertiliser alternatives are gaining more and more attention as a more environmentally friendly solution. In this article, the role of fungi in fertilizer alternatives is discussed.

Mushrooms as natural fertilisers

Mushrooms have many beneficial properties that can be exploited in fertiliser … >>

What are the fertilizer alternatives for fruit crops?

What are the fertilizer alternatives for fruit crops?

Adequate nutrient supply is essential for healthy fruit plant growth and yield. The traditional method is to use fertilisers containing synthetic substances. However, more and more gardeners and farmers are looking for alternatives that offer a more natural and sustainable solution. Below are some fertilizer alternatives that can help fruit plants grow healthily.


Composting is a process whereby organic matter decomposes to create a nutrient-rich soil … >>

What is compost?


Compost is a natural material produced by the decomposition and breakdown of organic waste. During the composting process, organic materials such as kitchen waste, garden waste and plant residues are transformed by micro-organisms into nutrient-rich, soil-like material.

The composting process

The composting process consists of several steps. First, the organic matter is cut or chopped into small pieces to make it easier to decompose. Next, the organic material is placed in a composting bin … >>

Which crops benefit most from the use of bioalgae?

Which crops benefit most from the use of bioalgae?

The use of bio-algae is becoming increasingly popular in agriculture and the food industry. Bioalgae are a rich source of nutrients and have a number of beneficial effects on plant growth and yields. Below we show which crops benefit most from the use of bio-algae.

Fruit trees

Fruit trees, such as apples, pears and cherries, benefit significantly from the use of bio-algae. Bioalgae provide the plants … >>

When to use bioalgae in crop production?

When to use bioalgae in crop production?

Bioalgae is a natural substance that is increasingly being used in crop production. Algae extracts have a number of beneficial effects on plants and can help improve yields and plant health.

1. Stress management

Bioalgae extracts can be effective in helping plants to manage stress. Stress effects such as drought, temperature changes or disease can negatively affect plant growth and yield. The nutrients and bioactive substances in bioalgae … >>

How do bioalgae help plants grow?

How do bioalgae help plants grow?

Bioalgae are microscopic organisms that live in water or moist soil. These tiny organisms play an extremely important role in plant growth and development. Bioalgae have many beneficial effects on plants that help improve yields and plant health.

One of the main ways in which bioalgae help plants grow is by providing them with nutrients. Through photosynthesis, bioalgae can produce organic matter that plants can use. These substances contain … >>

What is bioalgae?


Bioalgae are microscopic organisms that can feed by photosynthesis. Bioalgae live in water or wet soil and include many different species.


Bioalgae are unicellular organisms that are green in colour because they contain chlorophyll. These plants use the energy of sunlight to produce organic matter. Bioalgae come in many different sizes and shapes and are able to reproduce rapidly.


Bioalgae can be found in many parts of the world in a variety … >>

Why is the use of humic acid in agriculture recommended?

Why is the use of humic acid in agriculture recommended?

Humic acid is a natural compound found in soil. It has become increasingly popular among farmers in recent years because of the many benefits it offers to plants.

Binding and release of plant nutrients

Humic acid can bind nutrients in the soil, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This helps retain nutrients in the soil and prevents leaching. In addition, humic acid is able to … >>

What is humic acid?


Humic acid is a natural compound found in soil and plant material. It is derived from humus, which is a decomposition product of organic matter in soil. Humic acid is dark brown to black in colour and typically has a high molecular weight.


Humic acid is insoluble in water but soluble in other organic solvents such as alkalis or acids. This compound is extremely stable and resistant to degradation. In addition, humic acid … >>

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