Advanced pest protection methods, healthy vs infected crop visuals

How does precision agriculture affect the control of plant diseases and pests?


Precision agriculture uses modern technologies that allow optimisation of crop production and more effective crop protection. This section describes how precision agriculture affects the control of plant diseases and pests.

Precise diagnostics

Precision agriculture enables more accurate diagnosis of plant health. Sensors and sensors can be used to continuously monitor the health of plants and detect the presence of diseases or pests in time. This allows faster and more targeted intervention, resulting in more effective protection.

Precision spraying

GPS-based technologies in precision agriculture allow precision spraying. This means that sprayers can apply crop protection products exactly where they are needed. This reduces unnecessary use of chemicals and minimises environmental impact. Precision spraying also protects crops more effectively against diseases and pests.

More accurate nutrient and water application

Precision agriculture also helps to protect crops more effectively by applying nutrients and water. Sensors can be used to accurately measure soil moisture and plant nutrient requirements. This allows for more precise dosing, which creates optimal conditions for plants. Healthy and vigorous plants are less susceptible to diseases and pests, so precision nutrient and water application helps to protect them more effectively.


Precision agriculture offers significant benefits in the control of plant diseases and pests. More accurate diagnostics, precision spraying and more precise nutrient and water application all contribute to more effective crop protection. Precision agriculture technologies help minimise chemical use and reduce environmental pressures while optimising crop production.

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