Healthy living space with sustainable materials, well-being infographic

How do sustainable materials contribute to the health and well-being benefits of buildings?


The construction industry is increasingly focusing on the use of sustainable materials in the design and construction of buildings. Sustainable materials are materials that are produced in an environmentally friendly way and minimise health and environmental risks. In this article, we show how these materials contribute to the health and well-being benefits of buildings.

Health benefits

The use of sustainable materials in buildings has many health benefits. For example, conventional building materials often contain harmful chemicals that can degrade indoor air quality. In contrast, sustainable materials tend to be low in VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which reduces indoor air pollution and improves occupant health.

Furthermore, sustainable materials are often made from natural materials such as wood or stone. These materials are not only environmentally friendly, but also have a positive impact on people's mental health. The use of natural materials reduces stress and increases the well-being of residents.

Welfare benefits

The use of sustainable materials in buildings has a positive impact not only on health but also on well-being. Sustainable materials tend to have a longer lifespan than conventional materials, reducing maintenance costs and increasing the value of buildings.

In addition, sustainable materials often have better thermal insulation properties, which reduces the energy consumption of buildings. This is not only good for the environment but also saves money for the occupants.


The use of sustainable materials in buildings has many health and welfare benefits. Such materials minimise health risks, improve indoor air quality, reduce stress and increase occupant well-being. They also have a longer life span, reduce energy consumption and increase the value of buildings. Sustainable materials are therefore key to improving the sustainability of buildings and people's health and well-being.

∑: materials, sustainable, health, buildings, benefits, indoor, reduces, construction, environmentally