Blending public and private funding for supporting community biodiversity projects: Visual strategies

How can public and private funding be combined to support community biodiversity projects?

How can public and private funding be combined to support community biodiversity projects?

Supporting community biodiversity projects is key to sustainable development and the conservation of natural resources. However, it is often difficult to finance such projects as traditional public funding can be limited. In this article we show how public and private funding can be combined to effectively support community biodiversity projects.

Benefits of public funding

Public funding has a number of advantages for community biodiversity projects. Public funding provides long-term stability and security as the state makes a long-term commitment to support projects. In addition, public funding provides the opportunity to mobilise larger sums of money, allowing for increased project scale and efficiency.

Benefits of private financing

Private finance can also play an important role in supporting community biodiversity projects. Private sector companies and foundations often have significant financial resources and expertise that can be used to support projects. In addition, private finance can bring flexibility and innovation to project funding models.

Combining public and private funding

The combination of public and private funding offers the potential to support community biodiversity projects more effectively. Combining public and private sources of finance allows for diversification of project funding sources, reducing risk and increasing project sustainability.

When combining public and private funding, it is important to develop partnerships and cooperation between public organisations and the private sector. This can include the development of joint projects, the sharing of funding and the exchange of expertise and resources.


Supporting community biodiversity projects is key to sustainable development and the conservation of natural resources. A combination of public and private funding offers the potential to support projects more effectively. Public funding allows for long-term stability and the mobilisation of larger amounts, while private funding can bring flexibility and innovation to projects. Combining public and private financing requires partnership and cooperation between public organisations and the private sector. Such cooperation allows diversification of funding sources and increases the sustainability of projects.

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