digital fancy illustration, powerful colours, Ecological deficit, overuse of resources, economic impacts.

What is the ecological deficit and how does it affect the economy?


Ecological deficit is a concept that refers to the imbalance between the use of natural resources and the pressure on the environment. This deficit arises as a result of economic activity, where the use of natural resources exceeds the capacity for natural reproduction.

Ecological deficit and economy

The ecological deficit has a major impact on the economy. When a country or region is in ecological deficit, it means that natural resources are over-exploited and cannot be adequately replenished. This has a negative impact on economic development in the long term.

An ecological deficit reduces the availability of natural resources, which increases prices and reduces economic productivity. For example, the depletion of energy resources leads to higher energy prices, which negatively affects the functioning of businesses and the purchasing power of consumers.

The ecological deficit also increases the risk of environmental damage. Excessive deforestation, depletion of water resources and soil degradation are all problems that severely affect the economy. The costs of repairing such environmental damage can be enormous, placing a burden on the economy and reducing the potential for future development.


The ecological deficit is a serious problem that affects the economy. Overuse of natural resources and increased environmental pressures have negative consequences, such as higher prices and lower economic productivity. To address the ecological deficit and achieve sustainable economic development, it is important to use and conserve natural resources in a sustainable way.

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