Impact of climate change on transportation infrastructure, visuals

What impact will climate change have on transport infrastructure?


Climate change is a global problem that affects many areas, including transport infrastructure. Extreme weather events, such as severe storms, floods and heat waves, are becoming more frequent and intense, with significant impacts on transport and infrastructure.

Road network

Climate change will place significant pressure on road networks. Extreme weather events such as floods and heat waves can damage roads, increasing maintenance costs and reducing the lifetime of the road network. In addition, severe storms and extreme weather events can increase the risk of accidents.

Rail infrastructure

The impact of climate change on rail infrastructure is also significant. Extreme weather events such as heavy rain and snowstorms can damage rails and railway equipment. This can lead to delays and disruptions in rail services, with negative impacts on passengers and the economy.

Air transport

The impact of climate change is also being felt in aviation. Extreme weather events, such as violent windstorms and hail, can threaten the safe operation of aircraft. In addition, changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions can affect flight routes and flight times, which can increase fuel consumption and emissions.

Transport infrastructure planning

Taking climate change impacts into account in transport infrastructure planning is becoming increasingly important. The planning of new roads, railways and airports must take into account extreme weather events and the expected impacts of climate change. Proper planning and the use of modern technologies will make infrastructure more resilient and promote sustainable transport.


Climate change will have a significant impact on transport infrastructure. Extreme weather events and temperature changes can damage roads, railways and airports. It is therefore important to take into account the expected impacts of climate change when planning transport infrastructure and to use solutions that increase infrastructure resilience and promote sustainable transport.

∑: infrastructure, transport, climate, change, extreme, weather, events, impacts, planning