digital fancy illustration, powerful colours, Ecological corridors, connectivity, habitat fragmentation.

What impact do ecological corridors have on biodiversity conservation?


Ecological corridors are natural areas that connect different habitats, allowing species to move and migrate. These corridors play an important role in conservation-projects/">biodiversity conservation by allowing genetic flows between species and the maintenance of populations.

Impact on species

Ecological corridors allow species to move easily between different habitats that would otherwise be isolated from each other. This allows species to colonise new areas, find food and avoid overpopulation. In addition, ecological corridors help species to counteract the effects of climate change by providing opportunities for species to find suitable habitats.

Impact on populations

Ecological corridors help maintain the health and stability of populations. Corridors allow genetic flow between species, which reduces inbreeding in populations and increases genetic diversity. In the long term, this helps to increase the resilience of populations and reduce the risk of extinction.

Impact on ecosystems

Ecological corridors help to maintain the health and functioning of ecosystems. Corridors allow species interactions to be maintained, such as pollination of plants or relationships between predators and prey. This contributes to the stability and functioning of ecosystems and helps maintain natural ecological processes.


Ecological corridors have a significant impact on biodiversity conservation. They help maintain the health of species and populations and the stability and functioning of ecosystems. Ecological corridors are of paramount importance for sustainable conservation, and further research is needed to fully understand and exploit their impact.

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