How do tax systems affect the agro-economy?

How do tax systems affect the agro-economy?

Tax systems have a significant impact on the agro-economy by affecting the costs of agricultural production, profitability and investment. The design and proper application of tax policies are key to sustainable agriculture and the development of the rural economy.

Impact of taxation systems on agricultural production

Tax systems directly affect the costs of agricultural production. Tax rates and levies, as well as tax concessions and exemptions, determine the … >>

How can genetics help fight agricultural diseases?

How can genetics help fight agricultural diseases?

Agricultural diseases pose a major challenge to world agricultural production. These diseases can damage crops and animals, reducing yields and farmers' incomes. But genetics offers the potential to fight diseases more effectively.

Genetics is the study of biological inheritance and genes. In agriculture, genetics can be used to select and develop plants and animals with traits that are more resistant to disease. This can reduce the risk of … >>

How is robotics changing agricultural risk management and insurance?


Agricultural risk management and insurance have traditionally played an important role in the lives of farmers. However, advances in technology, particularly in robotics, are opening up new opportunities in agricultural risk management and insurance. This article describes how robotics is changing this field and the benefits it offers to farmers.

Robotics in agriculture

The use of robotics in agriculture is revolutionising production processes. Self-driving tractors and drones enable more efficient and precise cultivation, increasing … >>

How drones affect agro-economic risk management?

How drones affect agro-economic risk management?

Agro-economic risk management is an important area that allows farmers to reduce risks and manage more efficiently. As technology develops, more and more new tools and solutions are becoming available to the agricultural sector. One such new technological tool is the drone, which has a significant impact on agro-economic risk management.

The use of drones in agriculture

Drones have a wide range of applications in agricultural activities, such as … >>

What new business models will emerge with the spread of blockchain technology in the agro-economy?

What new business models will emerge with the spread of blockchain technology in the agro-economy?

In the field of agribusiness, blockchain technology could revolutionise business models. Blockchain is a distributed database system that allows for the secure and transparent storage and sharing of data. In the agroeconomy, a number of new business models are emerging as blockchain technology becomes more widespread, which could make agribusiness more efficient and transparent.


Blockchain technology allows producers to … >>

How can VR be used to demonstrate soil testing and soil health?

How can VR be used to demonstrate soil testing and soil health?

In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technology has been gaining ground in various industries, including agriculture. This innovative solution is also increasingly being used in soil testing and soil health demonstration. VR allows users to interactively explore soil properties and soil health status in real time and space.

VR technology allows users to immerse themselves in the soil world and learn in detail … >>

How is the food supply chain changing with the integration of IoT technologies?

How is the food supply chain changing with the integration of IoT technologies?

The food supply chain is the set of processes from food production to consumption that aim to deliver food safely and efficiently. The integration of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies can bring significant changes to the food supply chain, impacting production, logistics and the consumer experience.


IoT technologies enable the automation and optimisation of agricultural production. Sensors and data collection tools … >>

What agro-economic strategies can help prevent soil degradation?

What agro-economic strategies can help prevent soil degradation?

Soil degradation, i.e. the deterioration of soil quality, is a serious problem for agriculture. Soil degradation reduces yields, increases environmental risks and threatens the long-term sustainability of agricultural activities. However, agro-economic strategies can help to prevent and manage soil degradation.

Soil protection and sustainable agricultural practices

Soil protection and sustainable agricultural practices are among the agro-economic strategies that can help prevent soil degradation. Examples of such practices … >>

How could blockchain affect agricultural insurance schemes?

How could blockchain affect agricultural insurance schemes?

In recent years, blockchain technology has gained increasing attention in the financial and economic sector. However, blockchain is not only limited to financial transactions, but could also bring revolutionary changes in many other areas. One such area is agricultural insurance schemes, where blockchain technology can offer the potential for more efficient and transparent processes.

One of the biggest problems in traditional agricultural insurance systems is the authenticity and … >>

What secondary products are produced during biogas production?

What secondary products are produced during biogas production?

Biogas production generates a number of secondary products that can be of significant value and can be used in different ways. These products are by-products of biogas production, which are generated during the process and can bring additional economic benefits.

1. Biological manure

The residual material from the organic matter produced during biogas production is called biological manure. This manure is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, … >>

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